Thursday, April 24, 2008
this is the last time
that I'm ever gonna come here tonight
this is the last time - I will fall
into a place that fails us all - inside
I can see the pain in you
I can see the love in you
but fighting all the demons will take time
it will take time
the angels they burn inside for us
are we ever
are we ever gonna learn to fly
the devils they burn inside of us
are we ever gonna come back down
come around
I'm always gonna worry about the things that could make us cold
back in the days, when im booking into camp to spend the next days days in it, i play this song so as to make myself feel better.. its funny how when us humans feel like crap, we listen to songs about feeling crappy and it helps.. i dont know but if i were to video myself going back to camp, it make a perfect music video. there is that feeling of sadness no matter how many times you already did it before.. now, im singing it cos, i am burning inside.
smoke on the water.
9:42 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
while others hard at sleep
she is hard at work
by the counter with a smile
that makes every guy go wild
in that blue uniform, all clean and starchy
she look so appealing, oh so sexy
her name is nurul, nurul ass kickin
she kicks and pinch and even bite
watch out guys, cover your chest!
I know its tiring to do shifts
At night after 12 with nothing but the air con breeze
Im here babe, doing my report
While you are there, chopping passports
Changi air port is abit far
At least your dad drives you in his car
Have fun at work later
Don’t stop, don’t be a quitter
Success or failure is all up to you
something so random for my friend which i came up with 2 weeks ago.. hahaha though now she changed job already but i had to get it on my blog.. its like the only place i keep my "poems"
smoke on the water.
12:23 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2008

i cant stop and notice that this whole human rights, anti china Olympics thing can really get out of hand.. President of IOC, Jacques Rogge mentioned that , yes this is a crisis.. personally for me.. its kinda amusing and sad at the same time.. why? cos like electrons, it shows the duality of human.. what do i mean by that??
first and foremost, i have participated in some kind of competition at least once during my lifetime and even though its a national level, principle behind it is still the same.. i guess its called sportsmanship.. i feel, sports is sports, politics is politics.. no matter what the issue is.. if people have issues with human rights policies one country has, i believe there are other ways of doing it.. the olympic isnt some 1 day event you can just simply say, hmm lets not partake in any of it for this year to get our msg across.. its like a major international event held every 4 years.. and some say started as early as 884BC..
i dont know bout you but it goes to tell me how much history this event has on humanity.. its like, you're watching a soccer match, you paid good money for it, and suddenly due to a referee decision, the other team decided to walk off from the match, causing a disqualification.. you will go WTF right?..time and time gain, i believe people has play some form of sports and there were times, you were tempted to throw tantrums or such and people has reminded you to be a sportsman and carry on..take it like a professional or something within those lines.. im not gonna take sides to who is right and wrong.. but yeah, dont get olympics involve man.. its gonna ruin everything for wanna protest, fine, go ahead, do it via other means.. dont involve the olympics..
secondly, the nature of these protest.. how does these activist does it? trying to disrupt the olympic torch relay.. how? from what i see, by being violence towards the torch bearer who mind is just carrying out his/her responsibility as a honored olympic torch carrier.. how does the protesters does it? showing act of violence by burning China's flag and creating a lot of chaos in the protest.. cant you guys do it gently? its like telling others, im against bullies who beat up small school kids and you end up catching these bullies and beating them up for it..
thirdly, why are people bothered about the crime against humanities in tibet ONLY when there are many other places where seriously, it would also need the attention.. the palestinian/israel issue, iraq, AFRICA, bosnia etc.. perhaps the parties involve are different and the agenda are different, but still people are involved and worst still, people are dying.. innocent people died, dying, will die, someone they knew died..where are the activist for these then? isnt it not human right not to die? or at least given a choice to die or not.. imagine you wake up one day, saying i dont wanna die and before you know it a bomb lands in your room.. or saying you dont wanna die, but cos you havent eaten for 30 days, you die of undernourishment..
my views may seem unimportant, or 1 sided, or incorrect.. but point is, im just trying to highlight what i think and feel, the duality of human..
smoke on the water.
9:41 AM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Out the door just in time
Head down the 405
Gotta meet the new boss by 8 am
The phone rings in the car
The wife is working hard
She's running late tonight again
I know what I've been told
You gotta work to feed the soul
But I can't do this all on my own
No, I know I'm no Superman
I'm no Superman
You've got your love online
You think you're doing fine
But you're just plugged into the wall
And that deck of tarot cards
Won't get you very far
There ain't no hand to break your fall
I know what I've been told
You gotta know just when to fold
But I can't do this all on my own
No, I know I'm no Superman
I'm no Superman
That's right
You've crossed the finish line
Won the race but lost your mind
Was it worth it after all
I need you here with me
Cause love is all we need
Just take a hold of the hand that breaks the fall
Well I know what I've been told
Gotta break free to break the mold
But I can't do this all on my own
No I can't do this all on my own
I know that I'm no Superman
I'm no Superman
I'm no Superman
Someday we'll be together
Someday we'll be together
I'm no Superman
yes, i admit, im no superman.. i was never super, i try though.. hope its enough for you.
smoke on the water.
12:50 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
ok, later at 9 am, will start the time to tell, if all my effort and smart assness of studying pays off.. hahahaha, best of luck to the rest who are taking their examination during this period, and good luck to those who are still preparing for what is to come..
my exam tip would be, stay cool and calm.. you think better clear headed :)
smoke on the water.
12:17 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
So here I am
Doing everything I can
Holding on to what I am
Pretending I'm a superman
smoke on the water.
10:21 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008
this is meant for that someone i know. you know who you are ;)
sat down, thought of what i saw and just started doing it. tadaa!
Power within
Weak smile on her face
Beneath that awry surface
Lies strength of many that is carried by one
Though annoyed by pain and riddled with anger
She never let up, let me feel that hot burnt amber
Though tired and weak from the stuff of the day
She never fails to take it head on day by day
Study, work, assignment, projects
Presentation, meetings, lecture notes by the stacks
Awed at her will to work with panache
I admit I lose, no man or woman can match
Can never compete with such aggressive way
When this is all over you will look back
Over your shoulder, a reality check
All the suffering tubes, blood test and injection
All that now will make you into a tougher person
So don’t fret it with problems at hand
From what I see, you definitely can
Even if you need help, Im here to lend both hands
You know me, score point with you
Whenever I can =P
Things will forever change, no doubt about it
Go go go girl, you can do it!
smoke on the water.
11:55 PM
Saturday, April 05, 2008

ok here is my new pair of boots :D to date, most expensive footwear i ever bought with my own money hahaha.. and it was on like discount, got it at about 25 bucks cheaper pricing.. ok perhaps my army boots is more expensive but i used credits to buy them :P
now i can allegedly shoot better with more power and accuracy :P yeah, allegedly ah.. its kinda more of a bane to wash it after a game cos must take even extra care of it due to the amount of money i paid for it! but its synthetic leather and all, so not so bad.. quite light too and it looks nice man. hahaha ok i admit it, since the day i saw it and touched it, i had always wanted to get it.. among all the more high end boots i wanted, it was no 1 cos its just so much more affordable to me..
if i had more money, i would just go for like predator power swerve or what.. but im not a nike fan.. its too mainstream for me.. adidas too but the rest like lotto, topper, umbro.. it was either too ex > 150 bucks and above, dont have in my size, or just doesnt suit my needs.. thus ---> total 90 shoot :D
if i had money.. lol, i dont know, i buy them all? hahahaha
smoke on the water.
11:52 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
as times goes by, i feel im having issues sleeping.. in school i get tired easily after classes and by 6 plus, i feel like sleeping.. by the time i reach home, i wont be able to sleep..cos if i sleep by then, it would be throughout the entire night and thus with a cup of coffee and such, i push on.. however, by around 1-2 am when im already suppose to sleep, it be harder for me to sleep..
lie on my bed, tossing and turning in the space that's too small. hahaha ok that's just a song but yeah, i find it harder to fall to sleep.. and then in the morning when im to wake up, either A) i wake up feeling like i never sleep at all, B) i wake up earlier then expected cos i cant sleep cos of my stomach feels gastric is coming, C) i wake up for 5 mins with the hugest headache and only to sleep back for another 30-60 mins more and be late for whatever =D.
honestly speaking, i have never actually experience such experience in army where i had the most least, most awkward, most shittiest sleeping routine.. maybe all that bad sleeping routine which was required in the army especially as a commander, all the way till now, has reached its point and im just experiencing saturation? lol
or or the fact that, i actually tried cutting down on coffee and i have tea O in the morning instead cos the gastric attacks i get sometime is just too much for me to take. acid reflux, reflux acid.. bleuk.
smoke on the water.
7:44 AM