Tuesday, December 25, 2007
ok its like the 21st century... gone are the old days of having the only means of communication is drumming between tribes, or pigeons, or telegraph lines and such.. now its more than just telephone lines, power lines, fiber optic lines.. its satellite, infrared, radio waves, microwaves and such.. meaning, communicating among one another is no longer a weekly affair but in fact, a daily sometimes to some extend a hourly, a minutely affair..
press of a button on your cellie and you have your mum on the other line nagging at you to come back home for dinner.. now specially on the topic of cellphone or handphones..well ppl call/ sms you.. you sms/call ppl.. now the qn in mind is, let say, a msg or a missed call.. to reply back to them, is it an entitlement or a priviledge for the sender?
meaning what? meaning if let say, person A send a sms/ called but missed called to a person B, is it an entitlement or a privilege of person A for person B to reply back the sms or call back A.. entitlement means, its a must..person A has all the rights to get a sms back or a call back.. the fact that it is NOT DIFFICULT at all to do just that, there shouldnt be any excuse..a sms is like 5 cents if not free, a call if its not part of the free outgoing, would last you like the most 30 secs with a "hey sorry cant talk right now, sorry, later etc"
of course, privilege means, its not a must.. whether person A get any response from B, is entirely up to B to decide.. sometime can sometime cannot.why?? cos its every individual freedom rights if he or she wants to get back to you or not.. you can bring the water to the horse, but whether it will drink is another issue..and i guess to some extend it will feedback to person A how B sees A.. if never get anything at all, then yeah, A is just someone not worth the time as of yet to B. if B do reply back, that means A is someone to B.. in a crude sense i guess..
anyways, in either ways, its a pretty good argument which i cant really decide on.. cos sometimes i do the first one, sometimes i do the second one.. hahaha depending on whether i remembered to reply back.. its not that i do it on purpose if i dont get back to the person! really!but i think im gonna go for the first one.. that it is an entitlement to get at least a wassup reply from whoever you trying to contact..
cos its a shame in this time and age, if its just too hard to get back to someone..
smoke on the water.
11:08 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
the quest for perfection is never ending.. in school, you want better grades, or the hottest gf/bf in campus, at work you want bigger pay and bigger bonus, at home you want a bigger tv and such.. the list goes on.. that is just material wise.. there is still you want bigger chest, smaller waist, you want more hair and such.. for me, i myself, is trying to strive for perfection..
i want to beef up by like perhaps 10 more kg? yeah, pack up on more lean mean muscles ;)but yeah, its hard for me.. really hard to break the wall.. wall in a sense im reaching a plato in my training.. yeah.. protein shakes, more food, its a very slow with not much improvement process so far..
and yet its this same thing that pushes me on and on.. not stopping, of course its a matter of when you get really tired of not seeing results you want to see and you just bbreak down.. hahaha. but seriously, have you ever met someone who is like, ok enough is enough... im gonna retire and slack all my life till i die.. i attain nirvana already, there is nothing left for me..
i mean come mon, even our minister mentor who is quite old is still working.. lol perhaps its just the singaporean thing going on.. the strive to be better, if not the best.. perhaps one day, this very lifelihood is gonna kill us.. somehow.. like.. urmmm, maybe all of us gonna develop high blood pressure due to evolution of being exposed to such a competitive, high pace, standard of living in which, you cant never settle for 2nd best.. =) yeah perhaps.. that be sad though.. give it like 3-4 generations and we shall see how.. hahaha
anyway back to eating.. *munch munch*
smoke on the water.
11:13 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
sometimes, us people get carried away with things.. with the daily stuff of our lifes.. making coffee, going to work/school, completing your assignment, meeting with friends etc and yet we forget about this one thing that enable us to do all of this.. health..our health has always been overlook by most if not some of us.. if not, how do you explain people always too busy doing other things rather than simply taking time off, exercising? or at least indulge in some activity that involves you sweating abit and going breathless..
without health, we be pretty much without much energy.. look at me, i had a bad cough and i had to cut my chill out timings by a bit.. cos i just felt so tired coughing and coughing.. weights training has de trained to about 90%.. i can sense it.. i cant even do a shoulder press on a pair of 12.5Kg dumb bell without really flinching..yeah.. health is key and its important..
so try to watch what you eat and exercise and indulge is activities that makes you exert.. i mean the least is exercise, so at least the very least, whatever junk you eat *like me* gets partly burn and exhausted =) well that's my theory anyway.. convert everything bad and junk into energy and burn it.. i know people say, well if it was meant for it to happen to you, like heart attack, high cholestrol, cancer and such, it was meant for you.. i say, why let it go to chance when you can make some difference!
cutting the ciggy sticks by 1 a day, less sugar, walk for that 2 bus stops, drink fruit juices.. im sure it will all help in some sense.. people dont realize how resilient our body can be to things.. so it can take a bit of a beating before breaking but that dont mean it wont break.. and of course, even a bit of a change to help the body, would go a long way in the long run.. i know its hard for me to say this cos i myself is guilty of junk food and not eating some veggies.. but i realize the importance of it..
soo more green and jasmine tea for me! less sugar..that will be a good start for me =) hahaha hope so eh.. i go to the gym, i ride and i run and now soccer.. so that part, shouldnt be really a problem =p
smoke on the water.
1:05 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
ok this is just some of the pics.. i cant be bothered with the rest cos quality sucks man.. what do you expect from a 2M camera phone =P and it was dark.. oh well, kinda disappointed in the gig cos the crowd looked so promising with black shirts, make ups and all.. but the energy wasnt really there.. the crowd didnt go "crazy".. haha i guess cant expect much when the crowds consist mostly of kids..
smoke on the water.
11:56 PM
smoke on the water.
11:56 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
ok today is the day im going for My Chemical Romance Gig at Singapore expo.. i paid good money for the ticket and i hope it will be a great act.. unfortunately my other person im suppose to watch it with can't make it due to some circumstances, but none the less, i will go on her behalf =)
i will try to take as much pics as my hp batt can allow me.. maybe perhaps video some of the songs they gonna play.. will charge my phone 1 more time before i go.. still got 30 more mins before i meet up with ashiq to go.. ok will update this later! once i get back home again.
smoke on the water.
4:25 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
ok if some may not realize or know.. its already the school holiday! and yeah!! finally! a much needed break since the day I enlisted into the army more than 2 years ago.. yes, since army till now, I had no such thing as a vacation or holiday.. its just "OFF" or "LEAVE" and it was not around a month long!! oooo still i got a few things to do.. and anticipating my exam results doesnt help!
just imagine if you didnt touch math and chem and thermodynamics such for 2 years and before you knew it, you're taking like 6 examinable papers!! and it felt like you did twice as much as in poly in a much shorter time.. LOL. not good man.. but somehow i managed to survive it and people was amazed at how relax, slack and laid back i was before and during my exams itself..
well i dont know why, its just me to be relax no matter what.. unless its really something tiring and my ass is on the line physically.. but seriously, 2 years of army, and you realize, you tend to be able to take things as they come..
anyway, holiday is here and its the time where people can sleep and sleep and sleep.. but it seem im suffering from a "dont-sleep-too-much" syndrome.. its like, if i sleep for more than 8 hrs and i wake up late like 11 am or what, i feel crappy and sense that i had wasted my morning sleeping.. sigh.. wake up late, breakfast late and everything else starts late.. hahaha.. especially if im going out..
cos i like to eat first before i go out... if not, by the time i reach my mrt station, i feel really hugnry! anybody knows what is this condition call? the sleep part not the eat part =P maybe im trully a workaholic.. but then again, i dont do much work when im awake now.. maybe im a awakaholic.. hahaha. sleep equates to waste of time when you can just absorb the surounding and yeah slack. haha.
smoke on the water.
11:06 PM