Tuesday, October 30, 2007
hmmm, i realized something and it has come to my attention, i need to sit down and rethink my thoughts and action.. recheck and recalibrate if need be. hmmm i cant afford to stray now or later.. to stray would mean, im just like any other guys which i am not... i wanna see myself as someone better yeah.
so yeah, once my quizzes are finish, sit down, meditate and ponder and rethink.. hopefully i can see the light once more and everything will be ok..
*lol there was a few typos that would have changed the entire meaning of this post.. but editted already =)this is why sometimes its not good to blog when you're half asleep. cos your fingers still type at 50 wpm =)
smoke on the water.
1:40 AM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
ok its already the 28th of October 2007.. on tuesday and wed, i have 3 CA2 quizzes, kinetics of material which is basically stuff so chim i feel i can win a nobel prize 1 day, material science and applied chemistry.. then the following week is my material structure quiz.. soon after that, within 2 weeks of that, i will have my first real semester's exam in NTU..
funny how time flies cos for me, it felt like it was yesterday i just enrolled into NTU and went for their Orientation Programme. it was august 6 and now its october 28.. that is like 2 months?? hahaha, well maybe perhaps i feel like time really flies cos im really overloading myself with school.. ok let me rephrase that, im not overloading myself, its the school that is overloading me and my time plan and mental processing capability is still tuned to army.
i realized after finishing several lectures last week that, im taking in more information into my brain as compared to poly because the things i covered is like twice as much over a slightly shorter period of time? in poly my term start in july and end of november is the exams. that is like longer than now and i feel like im covering about twice as much stuff. =)
and of course like an engine that hasn't run for a very long time, upon ignition and running it, its very sluggish.. needs to get to proper temp and rpm and stuff.. same goes for this brain.. 2 years army, its dead cold man. wooo but what to do? im forced to get into operating condition without waiting for much equilibrium.. its like running a car stocked and untuned at maximum and if you push it too hard, the engine may just burn a piston ring and go bust cos materials and parts was not design to be soo extreme. and yet, if you dont push it to the limit, you can't reach your destination.
smoke on the water.
1:48 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
something very funny happend to me yesterday =) i got myself some tribal design tattoo thing going on accidentally. I was outside my tutorial room sitting at the benches, enjoying the nice cool breeze that makes NTU a very nice place to study at.. it sits quite high up on Jurong that yeah, you can get quite a breeze here.. anyway yeah, there i was sitting and do some final preparation for my management quiz i was going to have in 4 hours time..
in front of me was my management notes and i was covering on the topic of organizational behaviour and on my right hand, i had with me my trusty blue pen i had since army. ok the pen cap was on the the non writting end and thus the pen was ready to be use to write whenever i had things that pop to my mind that is worth penning down on my notes.. so imagine this, me studying management, notes in front of me, a pen on my right hand..visualized already? ok good
then my right leg, specifically my calf area got itchy and natural instinct tells me to ? scratch it of course.. and since its my right leg, it made sense to use my right hand, but my right hand has the blue pen, so i just do what most normal people would do, just use the pen to scratch.. i thought i had the cap end on the itch part and i started to scratch it in a nice even circular motion.. suprisingly, it felt great and it felt smooth, like the pen cap itself was gliding across my skin and yet able to ease of the itchiness simultaneously.. i kept scratching and scratching for a good min.. i think i can roughly estimate that i drew about 30 imaginary circles on my leg.. that's when i stopped stratching cos the itch was gone..
i had a look at my right fingers and eh... how come my right fingers had blue ink stain on it, and i look at my pen, eh , it looks smudge.. and so i slowly look at my right leg and lift up my pants abit to expose a big blob of blue circles on my leg.. i practically drew on myself without me knowing!!!! lol i have it taken but once i am able to upload it up, i will update this entry with the pics ;) DAMN FUNNY.. my friend laughed at me for being an idiot.. hahaha so what's new eh? =P
smoke on the water.
2:30 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Better to get up late and be wide awake than to get up early and be asleep all day.
smoke on the water.
7:17 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
sometime, you just feel like damnnnnn you are so damnnnnn.. yeah its really hard to explain that feeling but you feel like you just crashed into a wall after travelling at 180 km/h and the whole car just crumble upon impact.. the car just come to a complete stop just like that..ok maybe im exaggerating =P but yeah.. sometime things can take a quick turn just like that but i dont think i should quickly judge it as what it is..
there is always a silver lining in everything they say, yeah somehow part of me wants to believe that im just jumping to conclusion and putting in past experiences into play.. its one of those days where you just feeel high but dry..not keeping this emotion in control and it must boil over to rage due to the excessive amount of "energy" generated..
but its hard to ignore past histories and events because those who choose to ignore the past shall succeed in repeating it in the future.. or something within those lines =) what should i do? i know.. sleep. i already blog this down.. at least i know its vented out abit.. it could have been more, but i guess having not much sleep since hari raya is a factor..
lets just see how predictable life can be, and how if there is a pattern or some mysterious karma that revolves around some people =)
smoke on the water.
12:15 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
as of right now, im still in school doing what i do best, pose with my laptop typing furiously as if im doing some very important thesis that will affect my doctorate, but in fact im just doing my blog! hahahaha =) oh well, the sun is very low now, 6.30 sun is shining on my face and its beautiful but its abit bright from my side.. but its not hot, so its ok =)
anyway its been a while since i blog about the things on my mind.. been really busy with stuff.. just yesterday, i had a lecture on time management by Dr Ko Soon Meng. he is a psychologist by the way and he treats people with all sorts of issues. its stated that time by itself cant be define.. we measure it and record it but we cant really explain it. it is also stated that we generally do certain basic things with our time..
in most priority to less priorize arrangement:
1) work/ study
2) community
3) family, friends, socialising
4) healthy, fitness
5) oneself
its usually in that order but it need not always be like that all the time.. well Dr Ko said it shouldnt be like that all the time.. one can give give and give only so much but in the end , he/she must also get get and get.. its only right to be selfish sometime..how i see it, if you cant get anything, how can you even give out anything.. no input equates to no output.. well unless you're like ghandi or buddha, then that's different already =P
so yeah from time to time, the order of arrangement must change man. and that's the hard part.. im personally finding it hard to actually juggle it. school has been tough and fasting mth isnt really helping.. my brain cant reall work without sugar and caffeine but i can manage. then after 2 years of self sacrificing in the army, i tell myself i need to do stuff for myself now.. i mean, isnt it only fair? well that has been hard...there is a need to strum my guitar, to play, to lift, to ride, to slack, to watch shows, to chat, to relax, to sleep and there is only so much i can do..
well there is only so much anyone can do i guess.. not to mention this is just with regards to myself, there is still my families and friends.. that's alot of socialising involve =). however so far, i can manage.. there is nothing yet to push me to the point of insanity.. and im already quite eccentric to begin with, hahhaha so yeah, i guess im good to go hooohaaa!
smoke on the water.
6:28 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
This goes to 2 person whom i know personally,
Your fragile, folded wings
Are just tired from the pure blue sky
You dont have to force your smiles on anyone
Its ok to smile for yourself
That lonely feeling creeping up on me
A single candle still burns inside
There shouldnt be an expensive chandelier in a wild place like this
Can i bury it all with empty words
I dont even know anymore
As long we can swim freely in our dreams
We dont need that sky anymore
Even if you cant let go of the past
I will still be there to meet you tomorrow
taken from bleach. =)
smoke on the water.
12:20 AM