Sunday, September 30, 2007

i use to hang around my neighbourhood area alot.. always exploring the area as a kid, just cos i just have soo much time at hand, and soo little worries to care about.. and one of my all time fav place is the lake aka the tasik.. its nothing grand.. its just an ordinary looking granite quarry that got filled up with so much water it becomes a mini lake.. though its just a nice place to go.. especially for couples who want some romance or for those who just wants peace..
i realized how much things hasnt changed there a few days back when i went there, it felt soo nostalgic and peaceful and serene.. i still remember the good ol days where i would go there secretly to catch fish, or TRY to catch them.... hearing stories of ghost, and spirits and how some ppl drown and such.. watch other ppl fish for fish and actually catching them and wondering what i did wrong.. LOL.. it was the time where i use to practically hang around with 2 of my friends cum neighbour and no one else.. well not anymore now eh..
soon after sec school started, everything just started to rotate faster.. and yeah ppl like me get caught up with other things and i guess, less time on my hand and more stuff to worry about.. which is kinda sad.. i liked my childhood, it isnt much, yeah it was pretty much simple, but that's the whole point.. nowdays, i got school to worry about, carry out my duties as a son, a brother, a friend, fulfill my own needs and wants, etc etc..
and i guess, nowdays, in a way, indirectly i like to reconnect back to my past.. and somehow its always related to jungles and forest and such.. i feel at peace when im there, in brunei, in taiwan, in the middle of nowhere.. cos somehow it reminds me of days where i catch spiders in places normal ppl wont go, it reminds me of my partial tarzan childhood where everything is just being mischievous.. how nice is that? maybe that why i end up liking going for x-country bike trail riding, and navigating in jungles of sort..
life's funny.. btw, that pics above, sooooooo reminded me of BRUNEI and how i actually had fun sleeping in wet uniforms and going through thick vines.. =)
smoke on the water.
2:41 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
some of you who really known me for years like 7 years and more would somehow relate my eating habits to that of a black hole or a rubbish bin.. simple because i just keep eating and eating mostly junk while at it.. ok fine i admit im like that at times but its only during certain times and periods.. usually this characteristic is tamed down during fasting month cos sleeping time always clash with eating time and such..
and due to the fact that you didnt ate for more than half of the day earlier, my stomach is rather weak and bloated to digest much food.. and there is the water issue, whether you wanna eat or you wanna drink cos it can get thirsty and dehydrating.. anyway yeah, the reason why i can be such rubbish bin is totally understandable.. i am in fact my father's son.. and i got evidence that he is just like me, actually far far more dangerous than me in fact..
he went to buy chapati to break fast with, *thats break fasting ah, and not breakfast as many of my non muslims friends interpret* so i decided to share it with him and ok ah, he bought, he bought like 20 pieces! and told me that each of us will have 10 pieces to eat.. and im like "isnt that alot?" and he was like, no lah ok ah, later at night or early morning can eat again..
so ok ah, i broke my fast, ate like 3 and i was really full after that.. so i left with what? 7. ok chapati is like tortilla but the flour is different, it uses whole grain wheat flour which means, its considered a low glycemic index food.. meaning what? sugar, glucose are absorbed into the blood stream slower as compared to a higher glycemic index food.. such examples are like white rice or 100 plus drinks..
its eaten for that "instantenous" energy surge and yeah, it makes you full for a shorter time.. chapati on the other hand, is like a "slow digesting" food thus you feel full longer.. yeah so we break fast, i stop at 3 but my dad went on with like 5 pieces or more.. then i went for my prayers and i came back around 11.45pm and he was eating chapati again.. so he asked me if i want him to left me some remainders and i said yeah, .. guess how many pieces he left me with?? 2, 2 pieces.. that means out of 20 pieces he bought, i ate 3, left with 17 and out of that, he ate 15 pieces within a time frame of 4 and half hours..
ok that is just scary ah, i still remembered that we each ate like 7 pieces under a single meal sitting once at geylang but that was it.. any more and you just BOOM! but man, 15 pieces before midnight.. amazing eh? lol so yeah, go figure!
smoke on the water.
4:36 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
I've had enough of this parade.
I'm thinking of the words to say.
We open up unfinished parts,
Broken up, it's only love.
And when I see you then I know it will be next to me
And when I need you then I know you will be there with me
I'll never leave you...
Just need to get closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now,
closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now.
Keep waking up (waking up), without you here (without you here).
Another day (another day), another year (another year).
I seek the truth (seek the truth), we set apart (we set apart)
Second glance, a second chance.
And when I see you then I know it will be next to me
And when I need you then I know you will be there with me
I'll never leave you...
Just need to get closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now,
closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now (lean on me now).
And when I see you then I know it will be next to me
And when I need you then I know you will be there with me
I'll never leave you... just need to get...
Just need to get closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now,
closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now (lean on me now).
closer, closer... closer, closer.
Travis - Closer
smoke on the water.
4:56 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
its funny how even at very crowded packed bazaar, guys can actually hit on girls and well get their handphone numbers even with her mum with her.. yes that what i just said.. believe it or not, i witnessed that happen.. funny enough i dont see myself trying that out cos its just soooooooo typical of me to do so if i did. nonetheless i think its cos both of them already knew each other somehow? judging from the way they talk and all, it has to be..
anyway moving on, i love going to the bazaar during fasting month..yes this year's fasting month is special for me. why cos its been 2 years since i did my fasting and hari raya celebration in camp which pretty much sum up; what celebrations? this year im gonna do it at home! yay! but unfortunately, the bazaar at my area has been canceled due to the elevator upgrading on the block. however i did manage to drop by the jurong west one and i think because gombak's one has been close down, there has been an even greater number of influx of people there!!
it was packed! it was like bay beats all over again, less the loud music and with food everywhere. i couldnt tell the difference between the queues and the waves of people walking around seeing what food is available. but man, it felt great cos i think that's the whole idea of bazaar.. hahaha
so i did what i would always do, go around 1 time to see what's there and then with what i had in mind, i just queue at the most shortest queue.. if all the queue are all long, i will see whose selling the stuff.. generally i go for chicks who just look so cute or guys who look malaysian but this apply only if im buying ramly burger. or i will observe their cooking skills on how they flip the roti john and such.. such skills correlates to nice food.. of course lastly is whether the food looks nice or not..
however having not eaten for the whole day, any food would look nice so i generally dont use that to choose. in the end, i bought 2 roti john for dad and bro which my dad said was too "tough".. it was the normal kind though, meaning it isnt your standard mayo and bbq and chili sauce laden roti john you typically can find at ramly burger stalls and such. i didnt try it though cos too much onions on it. i got myself chicken rice cos the chicken looked well cooked and basically it didnt got sold out yet and i wanted rice. of course i also bought popiah basah which is a tradition for me to eat during fasting mth *mind you it wasnt bad, but nothing beats Mdm Lailee one* fyi she is my kindergarten teacher =) and yeah one of my fav dish, apam balik pulau pinang aka peanut cake.
sadly no corn in that cos the guy said corn tend to make the stuff go bad faster and it seem most people doesnt like the corn, im like wth, dont like the corn!?!?! which brings me to my next question, why in the hell is it called apam balik pulau pinang, literal translation, apam goes back to pulau pinang.. what's apam? it sounds indianish to me if you ask me. but it means a flour water mixture.. which is what the food is actually, flour, egg water etc. then why pulau pinang? why there? why not kedah or perak or singapura or what ah..
lol anybody who is reading this and knows why its called like that, pls leave your answer in the tag board, pls??
smoke on the water.
6:13 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
its funny.. about a year and a half back during the army days, i told myself that once everything is over, im gonna take some priority in actually getting some deserving sleep just so with the hope that i can actually "pay back" for all those sleepless night that i got from training and such.. of course in scientific terms, doing that for sleep won't work but it would at least gave me some peace of mind..
back then, sleep deprivation began to take on a new meaning and began to become the norm.. then of course about half a year after that, once i officially got released as a commander, i thought again, i can actually now don't really need to be training myself sooooo much more that it affects my sleep but just do what im needed to do.. however of course, being commanders you always end up with more work that even if you want to train yourself, you end up being too tired to do so.
then a year after that, i told myself finally school is gonna start again and being civilian once more, i can finally have some human decency to have proper sleep. hah! i think i sleep lesser now than during my army days on average? when i was a trainee, i was regulated to have 7 hrs of sleep everyday except on training days that doesnt allow me so.. when i was a commander, i was regulated to less than that.. give and take 6-7 hours but on more free moments, i would try to get some winks here and there .
but now, during the night i sleep about 4-5 hours a day, go to school, spend the entire day there and come home late.. lol.. the moment i try to nap at home, it will eat away precious study time i so badly needed. =) i think in the household, i've been the most workcoholic.. my mum wakes up early to do chores but she always sleeps early around 10 plus.. my dad comes home late from work everyday and sleep quite late, but at times, i sleep even later than him and wake up earlier than him less on weekends =P.. my bro and sis sleeps the earliest and wake up early too but not as early as mum. as for me, half of the time i sleep the latest than anyone else, and about 1/5 of the time i wake up the latest which just suck really at time.. but oh well, WHEN THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY.
maybe the reason why im always this eccentric or crazy is cos of lack of sleep? hahaha
smoke on the water.
5:13 AM
Sunday, September 09, 2007
ok its like 12.51 am and im like at mac donald bukit batok doing my report and studying my maths 2, specificall, PDE (partial differential equation).. from the looks of it, im gonna walk home again.. i walked home yesterday after sending chahat home. i was too lazy to actually walk to the bus stop and try my luck with the last bus service.. the distance between my place and hers isnt far.. just like a nice 15 mins walk..
which is nice.. why?? because when i walk home along the foot path, i can smell the midnight dew of the vegetations at my side.. and that smells oh so remind me of my good ol ARMY DAYS of chiong sua and well basically moving about doing combat stuff in the middle of the night at some protected area while everybody else is sleeping soundly in their own bed dreaming of the beach and coconut juice and sort..
it reminded me of the times where i was soo sleep deprive i actually saw elephants (hallucinations), the time where i got stung by something cos i anyhow went into the vegetation (my right ear had a burnt sensation for hours), the time where the entire platoon got attacked by a mass swamp of sand flies etc.. that specific midnight dew smell of leaves really made me feel nostalgic.. hahahaha
i think by now half of the guys i know would tell me to sign on =P oh well, its just nice to recollect back those fond memories of you doing something that is considered once in a life time for many.. and i bet, right at this very moment im blogging this, a group of army people are doing what i did mention above, moving about in the dark at some training area, practising their night movement and attacks..
to those people! have fun! cos i sure hell did =)
smoke on the water.
12:51 AM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
lately i have been coming home late from school.. ok its not lately but everyday since like after the first week? hahaha oh well, cant help it ah, cant really get much work done at home because firstly you got no one to ask and there are of course distraction..
everytime i reach home, i feel tired and yeah its normal i guess.. just the other day, i spent 2 hour plus just doing applied chem tutorial and getting stuck at 2 qns for the better part of it!! when i reach home, i felt like i just undergo a mensa examination that tested my mind again a supercomputer and if i failed, they gonna suck my brain juice into tablets supplements!
terminator said im kinda emotional and stuff..i beg to differ lah, its just me being mentally exhausted so early into the academic term.. its whole different ball game in uni and 2 years of NS time where i didnt even touch a book didnt really help..
its bad enough your rally car cant go at its 100% cos the engine need tuning but, you're driving without much navigation except for the sign boards you see along the way.. and that is assuming there are sign boards!
dont worry terminator, im not emo or what, im still me.. just very deep in thoughts more often now.. why? i think cos the study stress being induced sets my mind going on and on.. funny though, it felt refreshing in a sense, no more booking in, no more on duty, no more being in a framed system where you cant just do whatever you like.
now its more freedom and yes, i can finally sleep in my own room, in my own bed everynight.. something that was a ultra luxury back when i was in NS. of course, funny enough too, i kinda miss the good ol days of wearing green and doing things you didnt knew you were capable of and of course, having the least care in the world about grades and test.. but alast, that is history, grades and quizzes is the reality now.. im still trying to adjust, its slow but what to do eh.. im only human.
smoke on the water.
12:58 AM
Sunday, September 02, 2007
ok its been too long since i actually blogged! aaaaaaaaah! got so caught up with everything else, i forgot all about the simpler things in life... yeah, school has been kinda tough on me.. not life threatening but having your brains give up maths and engineering content for 2 years, really made it really obsolete..
i feel like a guy who just walks into a lan party with a p3 running on win98 SE =P but never mind.. i will adjust some more and once it reach equilibrium, i will step on the gas and cruise along. of course that if things is very ideal and all goes smoothly..
murphy's law! anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.. so plan plan and take things easy.. ok maybe not too easily, wait nothing gets done. tthough i have to be systematic! ya right, hahaha
ok ah, tomorrow is a ultra long day of the week, 0830 till 1930 in school.. wooooooo
smoke on the water.
11:41 PM